Check Out My Baby Blog!

If you didn't know already, I'm pregnant! Bill & I started a baby blog, which is updated a lot more often than this one.

Read all about it at Bill & Cat's Baby Blog!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Don't tell anyone, but it's really a bit slow at work so far today.

I guess I don't feel like posting anything here, even though I have the opportunity.

Here's some stuff:
I'm reading Giraffe. It's a really beautiful debut novel by J.M. Ledgard. I suppose I picked it up because giraffes are my favorite animal at the zoo. So far, so good.

I recently saw a comedy called The Ten. It had its moments, but overall it was a disappointment.

Sunday, August 26, 2007



Save the date: Oct 27, 2007 Zombie Party at the Dawg House!

Now I feel so full of purpose. I have two projects cooking... a zombie party for Halloween AND the Elvis movie rewrite/reshoot.

Labor Day weekend we've promised to go back to the lake and work on the treehouse some more.

I'm nervous about returning to work now that I suspect my boss knows I applied for a different position. I'll feel guilty about leaving them, if things work out that way.

What else is new? My dad is coming to Memphis to be hospitalized for a while. I'm hopeful that he will get better, but nothing seems to work.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

'Member how I said I was gonna apply for a marketing job at work? Well, I did that on Monday. By Friday, I think my boss figured it out because I'm suddenly getting a lot of special treatment at work, and out of the blue.

Interesting. To me, anyhow.

What's new? Staying very busy at work. Space tab tab click click.

Went to see one of the Best of Indie Memphis Short Films shows at the Brooks on Thursday. That was fun, but I had seen all of them already at Indie Memphis. I'm not complaining.

Here are links to the films I watched that are available online:

The Morning Ritual
Central Garden - I can only find information about it online, not the movie itself.
Elvis Meets the Beatles

Here's a review from a Memphian film critic's blog:

I enjoyed myself. It was rather nostalgic.

Between you and me, I've decided to reshoot *my* Elvis movie. But I have to replace my broken camera first. My Elvis movie was great, especially for something that was shot in a matter of hours after having my purse stolen the same day. I continue to be really amazed by the performances of my friends in the movie. Bill made such a perfect Elvis, too.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I've spent the evening updating my resume and poring over the job posting, trying to find new points, subtly hidden within the job description, to worry me. I've decided to work up a really nice electronic portfolio, with darling Bill's assistance, of course (so it will truly be really nice) over the weekend. How I wish I had known about this job posting a bit earlier, but then I've been too busy to work on it anyway.

Prior to that task, I watched a movie I had intended to avoid: The Prestige. I had no interest in seeing it, because it was one of those unfortunate movies that came out around the same time as another movie that seemed, on the surface, indiscernible from it. Some examples are Dante's Peak and that other volcano movie, and Tombstone and that other Wyatt Earp movie, and so on. Something about these pairings always offends me in a way that I cannot quite express. And it annoys me, too. I usually prefer to avoid seeing either of the doppelganger films.

Oddly enough, the film I watched tonight, I felt, was a really effective exploration of the doppelganger concept, in a way. And I enjoyed it more than I've enjoyed a movie in a while, partly because I didn't have high expectations. Bill had picked it out, as he had its cinematic double, The Illusionist, a few weeks earlier. I watched out of compromise, as wifies (not wifis) and hubbies must resign themselves to do from time to time. I didn't realize that it was a Christopher Nolan film, or maybe I would have made more of an effort to see it earlier; I loved Memento and Batman Begins. I think perhaps his scriptwriting may surpass his directing skills. I thought this script was sublime. I recommend the movie, but maybe I praise it too much, and you won't get the same awe-fueled surprise I experienced watching it with lower expectations.

And Christian Bale is just fantastic in it. His talent and range, although not really his style, remind me of Robert Deniro. He's in the Robert Deniro/Marlon Brando/Chow Yun Fat league as far as I'm concerned, which is high praise coming from me. I review his roles, American Psycho; Empire of the Sun (especially Empire of the Sun); The Machinist; and Rescue Dawn, most recently, and I have to admit he's reliably excellent.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Treehouse Update Pics

Bill was able to work on the treehouse a few weekends ago. I didn't participate because I was working, but the pics of the treehouse and our adorable sobrinos are here:

Since You Asked...

I haven't posted for a while because I've been extra super busy at work. Near the end of the summer, I find myself working extended hours and lots of Saturdays. I get tired and lazy in the little time I have off, too.

That's not to say, I don't sit in front of the computer any at all, because I do. I just tend to sit here passively clicking links for those WWW tidbits I cannot live without: mainly strange news stories and lolcats.

Anyway, I have truly been lazy about my little blog here, and I was reprimanded for it! That almost made me feel like a real blogger, so thanks to my dear friend Lindsey for calling me out on that.

I have not been doing much to write about here. I am surviving the heat wave that is tormenting the city. I'm working a lot.

Ah at work I'm considering applying for a job in the marketing dept. I'm really struggling about whether or not to apply for it because it would mean a pay decrease, but I think it would be a job I would enjoy more. Mainly it seems like a no-brainer... I'm sure they'd hire me and thankfully I don't really have to worry about the pay difference, which is minor anyway.

I guess part of me feels like maybe I should work on an academic career instead, if I'm going to focus completely on just having a job I enjoy, but the pay difference with that kind of move would be major, at first anyway.

Anyway... I have until Monday to apply for the job. Naturally, getting a new job would be something I would post about here, so I guess I'll we can all just wait and see.

I'm kind of excited about it, though. That's the truth.

Hmm I saw my dad tonight. That's always fun. Not really. Never mind. My grandparents were around, too. They all talk at the same time, about different things. It's always stories they've already told about five or six times. I tell you the whole thing makes me dizzy and tired.

I have recently seen some movies. I watched Hot Rod, which was goofy, but not quite the kind of goofy I really really like. There's worse things to do during a heat wave though than sit in a cool, dark room and watch a goofy movie. And eat popcorn.

My Billy is getting slim! He's lost forty pounds so far. A very trim 220, which looks nice on his 6'4" frame. Hubba hubba. I'm proud of him.

fruits of my recent labors:

and nothing else is here because i'm lazy right now!

i do plan to check out Ms. Honea's blog soon, in spite of my laziness, because I know her to be an exceptionally bright, remarkably sweet, and very kind person, and I've known her practically all her life. She's family.