Check Out My Baby Blog!

If you didn't know already, I'm pregnant! Bill & I started a baby blog, which is updated a lot more often than this one.

Read all about it at Bill & Cat's Baby Blog!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Since You Asked...

I haven't posted for a while because I've been extra super busy at work. Near the end of the summer, I find myself working extended hours and lots of Saturdays. I get tired and lazy in the little time I have off, too.

That's not to say, I don't sit in front of the computer any at all, because I do. I just tend to sit here passively clicking links for those WWW tidbits I cannot live without: mainly strange news stories and lolcats.

Anyway, I have truly been lazy about my little blog here, and I was reprimanded for it! That almost made me feel like a real blogger, so thanks to my dear friend Lindsey for calling me out on that.

I have not been doing much to write about here. I am surviving the heat wave that is tormenting the city. I'm working a lot.

Ah at work I'm considering applying for a job in the marketing dept. I'm really struggling about whether or not to apply for it because it would mean a pay decrease, but I think it would be a job I would enjoy more. Mainly it seems like a no-brainer... I'm sure they'd hire me and thankfully I don't really have to worry about the pay difference, which is minor anyway.

I guess part of me feels like maybe I should work on an academic career instead, if I'm going to focus completely on just having a job I enjoy, but the pay difference with that kind of move would be major, at first anyway.

Anyway... I have until Monday to apply for the job. Naturally, getting a new job would be something I would post about here, so I guess I'll we can all just wait and see.

I'm kind of excited about it, though. That's the truth.

Hmm I saw my dad tonight. That's always fun. Not really. Never mind. My grandparents were around, too. They all talk at the same time, about different things. It's always stories they've already told about five or six times. I tell you the whole thing makes me dizzy and tired.

I have recently seen some movies. I watched Hot Rod, which was goofy, but not quite the kind of goofy I really really like. There's worse things to do during a heat wave though than sit in a cool, dark room and watch a goofy movie. And eat popcorn.

My Billy is getting slim! He's lost forty pounds so far. A very trim 220, which looks nice on his 6'4" frame. Hubba hubba. I'm proud of him.

fruits of my recent labors:

and nothing else is here because i'm lazy right now!

i do plan to check out Ms. Honea's blog soon, in spite of my laziness, because I know her to be an exceptionally bright, remarkably sweet, and very kind person, and I've known her practically all her life. She's family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flattery will get you nowhere! haha! I'm glad to see you back at it. Best of luck with the job situation.