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Read all about it at Bill & Cat's Baby Blog!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend at the Lake

Treehouse pics! Woo!!

Bill and I rode up to Camp Hazelton with his parents on Friday morning for a long weekend at camp. The weather wasn't ideal; it was cold and cloudy. We didn't mind, because it's nice to just be at the cabin.

It was really heartbreaking to see the flooded homes on the drive over to camp. Luckily, the cabin at Camp Hazelton is high on the hillside, so there's no danger of it being flooded (until the ice caps melt). But the lake is higher than it's ever been, surpassing the Flood of '73 levels. The treehouse can be considered "lakeside" now. The water comes all the way up to the "do not build line" designated by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Bill and his dad were going to use a fishing guide on Saturday morning, but the trip was canceled due to the weather, the flooding, etc. There were wind gusts of up to 30 mph! They will reschedule for another time. We went to the marina where the boat is stored, and the parking lot for the marina is now part of the lake! Astonishing.

Bill attempted a bit of fishing at the lake at Camp Hazelton, but since the water is up in the trees now, it just wasn't working out. Instead, he put a lot of effort into working on the tree house with his new tools. The treehouse now has railing on the porch and windows have been cut out! Also, a cool pulley system has been installed, and the roof is complete at last! There are a few finishing touches left: flower boxes on the porch, screen for the windows, etc. It's a really adorable little tree house. I look forward to worrying that my child will fall out and break his or her arm. :)

We watched a few movies, read a lot (I read baby books and Guy de Maupassant stories) cooked meals, and enjoyed each others' company for the weekend. It was a very relaxing weekend. The highlight of the weekend for me was the way breakfast tasted on Sunday morning. I had no nausea at all and the flavors of everything I ate took on a new dimension. I can't even begin to explain how delicious my scrambled eggs with sharp cheddar cheese tasted. It was divine.

Pregnancy brain is to blame for the sad fact that I left my camera at home. My mother-in-law brought hers, luckily, and took lots of photos of the treehouse and the flooding. As soon as I get copies of the pics, I'll post some here on the blog.

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