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Friday, June 29, 2007

Dr. Who?

As a prepubescent girl, I would sleep over at my beloved granny's house nearly every Saturday night. Sunday mornings, we'd have pancakes for breakfast, and Saturday night, I'd watch my favorite TV show at the time, Dr. Who, on Nashville's PBS affiliate, Channel 8. This was during the mid-80s, I guess, but the episodes I watched were mainly from the late 60s and early 70s, so maybe that's why Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker are my favorite actors who've played the Doctor. Or maybe it's because they're the best!

My memories of it are starting to get a bit hazy now, actually. But it was my weekend ritual for a while, and the show never failed to entertain me.

About a year ago, I was visiting a friend who said, "Oh you've got to see this new show from England, it's so cool! It's called Dr. Who!"

And so I was introduced to a new Doctor Who! I was almost afraid to watch it, I'm such a cynic sometimes, I really expected it to be awful. The cynicism dissapated as soon as I started watching the show. I could write at length, comparing the old show I remember with the new show I've been watching (I'm watching the show on DVDs, borrowed from the same friend who re-introduced me to Dr. Who.), but essentially I felt that the new show had everything I loved about the old show and lots of improvements.

However, the episode I saw last night, reminded me that something was missing...K-9!!!

Hmmm time for lunch, I'll finish up later.Maybe...

Article about the episode (This is old news since I'm watching the show two years after it aired...)

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