Check Out My Baby Blog!

If you didn't know already, I'm pregnant! Bill & I started a baby blog, which is updated a lot more often than this one.

Read all about it at Bill & Cat's Baby Blog!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Busy as a Bee!

It's not CCD that's been keeping me away...

I've just been working a lot lately. Extra work is keeping me busy in the evenings, and it's busier than usual at work now as well. I just have to mention, though, I wasn't too busy to send Fortean Times another link... I sent in a link about the man who attacked a peacock, which is strange enough (and SAD!), but what makes it perfectly fortean, is that the man claims the peacock was a ... vampire! Why he is the Peter Cushing of Peacocks!!!

I had a nice Fourth of July, too. Spent it with good friends, and I watched Mary Poppins with one of my favorite two year-olds. Also, at home with Bill, I watched more Dr. Who and an episode of Deadwood, which is a pretty strange combination. Take a moment and imagine the Tardis landing in Deadwood...

Now, admit it, that was fun!

Well it's beyond bedtime, and I'm not even going to have time to read a few pages of Dance, Dance, Dance tonight before I doze off...

Don't worry if the hive empties out next week. Bill and I are going on vacation soon. I'll be relaxing at the family compound, which is very remote (no phones, no Internet, barely even cellular signal there), for a while. I can't wait! We might even work on the treehouse, or maybe just float around on the lake and kind of do nothing...

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